Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life is Good

I have come to a conclusion. Where ever you go there you are, a new job, town, relationship, life we bring our old selves to it. I am just now realizing I can choose to be happy or miserable, it's all up to me and how I choose to view my situation. A long time ago a friend of mine was explaining to me how her husband had managed to stay at his job for along period of time. She told me, if you hang in there, eventually all the jerks leave or get fired. It's just a matter of perservering. I'm going to stop. this is boring me!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Gary's theory about driving on highways....he says if you hang in there and you just go slow and steady (abiding by the speed limit, which most exceed), all the annoying drivers will pass you and you will have nobody near you at all...clear sailing and an un-aggravating trip! (I don't usually subscribe to his theory...but he swears it works. LOL)
